If the trustee has paid in advance with his inherent property, he has the priority right to get compensation from the trust property. 受托人以其固有财产先行支付的,对信托财产享有优先受偿的权利。
Derro are told from childhood of their inherent right to rule over all the lands, below and above. 迪洛矮人从孩提时代起就被告知,统治所有土地是他们应得的权力,无论地下还是地上。
Besides, only acknowledge the system of ownership obtained by bona fide purchase, the inherent structure of the law ofreal right can be a logical, rational, harmonious unified whole. 同时,只有承认善意取得制度,物权公示原则才能够得以实现,物权法内在结构才是一个结构分明逻辑合理内部和谐的统一整体。
His authority does not come from the consent of governed based on an election, but on an inherent right to rule. 他的权力不是源于民选政府的认可,而是来自于他与生俱来身份。
Nor could any of the foreign theories, which define it as contract, or the inherent right of the association, or the authorization from the state, explain the nature of our country's associations properly. 国内外学界的契约说、社会权利让渡说、社团固有权利说、国家授权说等各种观点,均无法正确阐释我国社团罚权力的本质。
Economic development has its own inherent law. Real right has obvious characteristics of inherent law. 经济发展存在着内在的必然的联系,波浪式发展是社会主义经济发展的一个显著特点。物权法具有显著的固有法性,我国农地使用权的物权化建构不应忽视国情。
After the introduction of the occurrence, correlative legislation environment and the process of the legislation of 'right of control of the goods carried by sea', the author discloses the inherent causation of 'right of control'. 本文作者通过对海运货物控制权的产生、相关立法环境及立法过程的详细介绍,揭示了海运货物控制权产生的内在动因;
In the angle of microscopic, it is because of the illegibility of right and the reciprocity of right. It is not the inherent nature of right, but it is a outside restriction of right. 从微观方面讲,是权利边界的模糊性与权利的相互性两项内部原因所致。权利限制并非权利的固有属性,而是外设于权利边界上的限制。
The inherent reason of independent trial is that the right of trial is the right of judgement. 审判独立最终归结为一条根本的内在的理由:审判权是判断权。
In the lawyer's rights system, the rights can be basically classified into concrete practicing rights and right of practic-ing safeguarding, and the concrete practicing rights can be detailed of inherent rights and agent's right. 在律师权利体系中,具体执业权与执业保障权是律师权利的基本分类方式;具体执业权利就其来源,又可细化为固有权和代理权。
It is not the inherent nature of right, but it is a outside restriction of right. 权利限制并非权利的固有属性,而是外设于权利边界上的限制。
Liberty is mankind's inherent right. 自由是人类固有的权利。
It is inherent right to each civil subject, and all the stipulations of law and requirements of theory can only be used in the range of litigious right. 一切民事主体生而有之,一切法律规定及理论上的构成要件只就诉权的行使而言。
In the contract of insurance, the right of the insurance premium that the beneficiary asks to receive belong to the inherent right. 保险合同中,受益人的保险金给付请求权属于固有权并非继受而来。
Towed line array technique is an effective way to solve this problems, however the conventional line arrays with omni-directional hydrophones suffer from the inherent left/ right bearing ambiguity. 拖曳线列阵技术便是解决这一问题的有效途径之一,然而常规拖曳线列阵存在固有的方位分辨左右舷模糊问题。
However, the duty inherent in the property right decides that the property right is not absolute and it is to be deprived of by the law for the public blessedness. 但是,财产权本身的社会义务性又决定了它不是绝对的权利,为了公共利益的需要要被国家合法剥夺。
The second chapter analyzes and describes the history and the present condition of the SOE property right system, explaining the inherent history logic and the complexity on the premise of definitely property right and its relatedly system concept; 第二章以明确的产权及其相关产权制度概念为逻辑前提,对国企产权制度的历史和现状进行实证分析和规范描述,解释国有企业产权制度改革的内在历史逻辑和复杂性;
It can be inferred from the legal theory that the security interest of EEZ is originated from the inherent right of self-defense of the State and other right derived accordingly, and is the "naturally extended" security interest of the State. 我们可以从法理上推断出,EEZ的安全利益渊源于国家与生俱来的自卫权以及由此衍生的其他权利,是国家自然延伸了的安全利益。
From the angle of inherent attributes and social needs of the general creditors right itself, the writer prove that the general creditors right could be the right impawn set. 笔者从一般债权本身的固有属性、社会需求等角度论证了一般债权可以成为权利质押的标的。
TRIPS is advancing the process of international trade freedom in a large degree, breaking the inherent area limit of intellectual property right and setting up a uniformed executive lowest stander. TRIPS协议在很大程度上促进了国际贸易的自由化进程,为世界范围内的知识产权保护建立统一可执行的最低标准,打破了知识产权所固有的地域性的限制。
Therefore, the right to advocacy can be divided into the right of agency and the inherent right of defense. 因此,律师辩护权有代理性辩护权和固有性辩护权之分。
However, as to the study of how to realize the inherent way and course of paid transfer of peasants 'right to use the land, it has not drawn enough attention from sociological researchers. 但是,迄今为止,对农民如何实现土地使用权有偿转让的内在途径与过程的研究,还没有引起社会学及其研究者的重视。
Man cannot exploit nature randomly just to satisfy their endless material desires, because nature has its own inherent value, so it has its own right of existence and should get ethical care. 人不应该为物欲而无度开发自然,因为自然有其内在价值,应该享有存在的权利,得到伦理关注。
The voting right of stockholders is the combination of purpose right and means right, legal, belong to one kind of inherent right. 股东表决权是目的性权利与手段性权利的结合,具有法定性,属固有权之一种。
Property right is not only an inherent right, but also the fundmental interests among social numbers. 财产权既是人类不可或缺的自然权利,又是人类社会存续和发展的物质基础。
First, starting with the inherent value that right creates, it makes clear the connotation and extension of the right. 论文包括四个部分:一、阐述国际法中的民族自决问题。首先从权利创设的内在价值入手,明确该权利的内涵与外延。
This paper analyzes the contemporary art of painting in a distinctive form of language-in the form of collage, techniques used and the expression of its inherent spirit and affirms its right to develop innovative painting effects. 本文中分析了现当代绘画中一种独特的绘画形式语言&实物拼贴和综合材料的运用和它对内在精神表达,并分析其对绘画艺术发展创新的影响。
Ecological ethic is the ethic between human and nature, which presupposes inherent value and moral right of nature, extends moral concern from human society to the whole nature, and purses harmonious development of human and nature. 生态伦理是人与自然的伦理,它以自然的内在价值和道德权利为前提,将人类的道德关怀从人类社会延伸到非人类生物和整个自然界,追求人与自然的和谐发展。
Power, as a tool of carrying out and protecting the right, is inherent like the right, was born with the birth of a man and is strengthening with his growth. 作为权利得以实现和保障的工具,权力亦如权利一样,也是人与生俱来的,是随着人自然的成长而不断壮大的。
From idealistic perspective, participation rights of shareholders are inherent rights, co-benefit right and superintendence and comprehensive right. 投资者参与权从应然角度上,是股东固有的,兼具共益性和监督性的,综合性的权利。